Sea Lemon Nudibranch

Hundreds of visitors braved the chilly and rainy weather this past weekend (December 4th and 5th, 2010) and were rewarded with many beautiful sights, including this sea lemon nudibranch, Anisodoris nobilis. Some nudibranchs are hard to find, but this one was out in the open, relying on its bright coloring…

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The Swimming Scallop

A few summers ago I was exploring the tidepools with a group of Junior Rangers when I came across a rock scallop (Crassedoma giganteum). The scallop was sitting on an otherwise bare rock situated in the middle of a tidepool that was about five feet in diameter. The water was…

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Tidepooling Safety

When you are out exploring the reef at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve or any other area that has tidepools, there are some important guidelines to follow. Never turn your back on the ocean! Rogue or “sneaker” waves can roll  in at any time, regardless of tide and weather conditions. Rogue waves…

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