Creature Feature: Velella velella, By-the-Wind Sailors

The Blue Beaches of Spring by Debbie Rogers One of the most astounding and beautiful sights at the tide pools is a sometimes ankle- deep blanket of blue brought by the westerly winds in late spring or early summer. This glossy, iridescent blue cover may envelop the entire beach area…

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Creature feature: Halcampa decatentaculata

By Dr. Tom Niesen One of our FMR tidepool naturalists found this star-shaped animal among the fine gravel on the bottom of a tidepool and asked for an identification. I was first thrown off by the star pattern in the photograph and sent the image to Dr. Rebecca Johnson, co-director…

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Creature Feature: Berthella californica

By Dr. Tom Niesen The creature featured today is Berthella californica, the California Berthella or the California Side-gilled sea slug. A specimen was recently observed at FMR in a midtidal tide pool by Tom Ciotti, Board member of The Friends of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. Berthella spp. are easily mistaken for…

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